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Name: Kevin
Could you please let me know if spectators are allowed into the game on Saturday,  thanks
According to official guidance, only players and management are allowed to attend games at this time. If this changes , we will post on Facebook
Name: Rebecca
Could you please explain the rules of the club lotto as I am at a loss when others ask me, thank you
Buy a ticket for £1.00 , select 4 numbers between 1 and 30. leave your ticket in one of the collection points before 8.00 on Sunday evening.
4 balls are randomly generated by the lotto committee using a bingo ball style machine.
If the four numbers generated match the four numbers you have win the Jackpot. if no one manages to match the four numbers there is a 'hard luck' draw for £50 using all the tickets entered for that week. In the event of there not being a Jackpot winner, the rolling Jacpot increases by £100 . Currently the Jackpot is £5900.

There is also a facility to pay monthly by direct debit to ensure your selected  numbers are entered each week without the need to complete a lotto ticket each week. Speak to any committee member if you are interested in direct debit.
Name: Gaa fan
I personally think there should be more engagement with the Facebook page, I.e player profiles, best 1-15 etc. A bit of fun to keep emmetts supporters occupied during lockdown
Name: Hurling fan
Does anybody have the videos or DVDs of 1992 intermediate final, 2000/01 senior final or 2007 intermediate final? Would be much appreciated. Thanks
Name: Fundraiser
Is there sponsorship boards being put up around the pitch on the new fence?

Name: Kevin
Can you publish the lotto results for 6th October please
No winner
£50 to Lauren mc Hugh
If results don't appear on website they can be accessed each Sunday night after 9.00 on club Twitter and Facebook.
Name: Aidan
Congratulations to Sean McKay representing Cushendun GAC on the Ruairi Og U14 Feile winning team.
Name: Kevin
Can the lotto be done online
not at this time however standing orders are available from Paul MC Sparran or we can accept a set of numbers accompanied by the appropriate money to cover the number of draws you wish to enter. Again speak to Paul or any committee member.
Name: Aidan Mc Hugh
Well done Callum.
            Yes, brilliant  achievement, congratulations Callum Kilgore on being named Danske Bank Ulster Schools hurler of the month of March
Name: Kevin
Any idea when the fixtures are going to be published?
    Fixtures to mid June are now available on County Website
Name: Playaa
Is there going to be a dinner dance this year?
Dinner dance takes place on this Fri 30th Nov. Tickets priced £20 are currently on sale. Final night for sales will be Tuesday 27th Nov in Mc Brides @7.30
Name: Kevin
Has permission been given to Masita yet for anyone who wishes to buy a club jersey, I would have liked to have had one for the JHC final.
No agreement in place with Masita
Gear can be purchased through TeamKit in Ballymena
Name: Kevin
Any news on being able to buy club merchandise?
Name: Fan
How many tickets will the club be allocated this year for the All Ireland Hurling Final?

Also how are these distributed?

We have received 3 tickets from county board!
Any fully paid up member who wishes to be included in the draw for a ticket should give their name to Paul Mc Sparran, Micky Morgan or Sean Mc Kendry before 8.00 on Sunday night (12th Aug) .The ticket draw will ticke place immediately after the weekly lotto draw.
Name: Kevin
I was speaking to Masita asking them as to why I cannot access the club jerseys, they say the club has not given them permission to open a club shop on their website. Could this permission be given to them so anyone who wishes to buy any club merchandise can do so
We are looking into this and will advise shortly
Club Lotto
New Jackpot £8000
3 18 21 25
No Jackpot Winner

£50 Winners
£50 to Rachel Magee
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